Punctuation Rules
Commas Commas and periods ( fullstops) are the most frequently used punctuation marks. Commas customarily indicate a brief pause; they're not as final as periods. Rule 1. Use commas to…
Commas Commas and periods ( fullstops) are the most frequently used punctuation marks. Commas customarily indicate a brief pause; they're not as final as periods. Rule 1. Use commas to…
?? ??synonym:eager?voracious??antonym:indifferent ?Definition::doing something as much as possible(to be keen on doing something)? ??Examples:: ?1:David an avid collector of old jazz records.?? ?2:He is an avid cook.He is always trying…
Bought is the second or third form of buy Ali had bought a cup of tea for him, day before yesterday. Brought is the second or third form of bring…
Don’t become too reliant on your dictionary. Your dictionary should be an aid, not your main teacher. Try to guess the meaning of words rather than going straight for your…
In the English language, an honorific is a form of address indicating respect. These can be titles prefixing a person's name, e.g.: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx, Sir, Dr, Lady or Lord, or titles ?????????????????????? ? Miss?? used in front of the family name of a woman…
▪️Beware is short form of"be aware".It means - danger, becareful. ▪️Beware is an imperitive verb.Verb which gives orders and instructions. ▪️You can say:Beware of the bull!beware of the dog! ▪️Beware…
The Black Telephone - Story - worth a read When I was a young boy, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. I remember the polished,…
Poté můžete propláchnutí provádět každých pár dní, pokud je to pro vás velmi nepříjemné nebo obtížné (ale doufáme, že vám tyto tipy na proplachování slanou vodou pomohou v tomto procesu.
Pomocí 1 litrové láhve na vodu bez BPA a odměrky čajové lžičky smíchejte roztok skládající se z:
Mořská sůl – 2 lžičkyA čistá voda – 1 litr teplé vody
O tomto procesu bylo mnoho otázek. Mnoho lidí si stěžuje, že SWF pro ně nefunguje. (more…)