1. PROSPECT (NOUN): hopeSynonyms: likelihood, expectation Antonyms: viewlessness, dimness Example Sentence: There was no prospect of a better day.  2. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): unexpectedSynonyms: unmatched, unequalled Antonyms: normal, common Example Sentence: The government took the unprecedented step…

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?Weather vocabulary: useful weather words & terms?

?Weather is the state of the atmosphere, describing for example the degree to which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. ▪️Sunny▪️Rainy▪️Windy▪️Hot▪️Cloudy▪️Stormy▪️Cold▪️Snowy▪️Rain▪️Drizzle▪️Rainbow▪️Snow ✅Sunny▪️The…

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??? Speak your mind-to say exactly what you think, even though you might offend somebody A piece of cake - Very easy Cross your fingers - For good luck Be…

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?be hard hit (by something) ✍?To be adversely affected (by something) to a great degree; to suffer financial losses (as the result of something).The seaside town was hard hit by…

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