? Study time

? Study time

What can you do to improve your learning efficiency?
Hmm, I would say that meditation and physical exercise can certainly be of help.
I believe that meditation can help you to become more aware of yourself and
find your center of concentration. Furthermore, exercise releases tension and
brings you back to focus. When I feel overwhelmed with my studies, I often take
a break to go work out at the gym then afterwards feel more productive.

Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening?
Definitely the evening. When I have an exam the next morning, I feel that the
information stays with me much more clearly when I cram (study at the last
minute) the evening before. When I try to study in the morning, I often feel
rushed or cannot stay focused, as I know all my daily tasks are awaiting me.
What time do you like to study?
Around dinnertime after I’ve finished all my tasks for the day; I feel most at ease
at this time. When I study right before bed, I tend to even dream of that
information, helping me to remember clearly for that exam.
Why do people find it difficult to focus on studying?
Well, for one, studying isn’t something enjoyable for many people, so it’s hard
to concentrate on something you dislike. Moreover, it’s difficult with all of the
distractions of today- such as texting, instagram, facebook, etc. Lastly, some
people become preoccupied with other tasks they need to do, such as cleaning
or cooking.
Do you like to study alone or with your friends?
Both can be nice. But, I tend to be more efficient when I study alone. Sometimes
when I study with friends, we get off topic and don’t get much done. However,
it is effective to quiz each other. So all in all, there are benefits to both.

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